Once you’ve logged in to Studio, you will see the Dashboard which will show you the key information about your instance of the Platform, specifically your Plan and your application domains which you can use to deploy your components and have your users access them via a specific uri.

Dashboard will show you details of your current plan (subscription), including type of the plan, expiration/renewal date for your current subscription, you current number of application domains vs total application domains limit, current/total number of users, and current/total number of workflows and dataflows.


It will also allow you to renew you plan using the Renew button, or choose another plan using Choose Other Plan button.

Managing Application Domains

Application domains are user-accessible external spaces, defined by a specific application domain uri (HTTPS://<Your-domain-name>) there you deploy your components.

By default, you will have a single domain (application) named digital-workplace. You can add more domains by clicking Add application button on the top right of your Dashboard. Every application domain added will be shown in the application domain list just below your Plan description.

Dashboard application domains list allows viewing and setting multiple parameters for each of your application domain, including: