Scalaxi Platform security consists of the following main elements:

  1. Authenticated users - users who has a profile in the system, and have a login & password (or other authentication means such as AOuth 2.0 SSO) to be authenticated before accessing the applications built using Scalaxi Platform
  2. Security Contexts - elements of the applications built using Scalaxi Platforms that can be used to control user’s access to data and actions in the application. There can be two types of Security Contexts:
    1. Components: A shared Catalog that have a Restrict Access flag set to True
      1. Each Components Security Context element can have Read, Update and/or Delete permission options
    2. Cases: A component with a workflow that have a Get User Confirmation type step included, or a Button with a Restricted Access flag set to True
      1. Each Case can allow or deny access to a specific Get User Confirmation step or button access
    3. Buttons with Restrict Access option also create a Security Context and can be used to create permission sets and roles
  3. Permission Sets - a uniquely named security entity that combines one or more permissions for one or more Security Context elements
  4. Roles - a combinations of Permission Sets that are used to define a specific combination of permissions for users who play a specific role in an application (for example, allowing people with IT_Approver role to have access to all IT requests, as well as approve specific IT requests when asked). Users are assigned one or more roles roles via Studio -> Access -> Users ->User Name settings form.

Listing All Users

To find all registered users in a specific Scalaxi Platform instance, go to Scalaxi Studio, and navigate to Access → Users section. You will see a list of all users currently registered in the system, which will look like shown below.


Adding A New User

To add a new user, press the Add button on Access → Users screen.

You will a new user add dialog with the following settings.


Setting field Possible values Setting Purpose
User name - Login name for a new user
EMail - Email for a new user
First name - User’s First Name
Last name - User’s Last Name
Middle name - User’s Middle Name
Active true, false If set to True, user is Active and can login into Scalaxi Platform. If not, user will not be able to login into Scalaxi Platform
Password - Password for a new user
Select contexts - Select Roles (see an example screenshot below) - Pairs of available Security Contexts and available Security Roles allowed for specific user. The roles set up in System section override the roles setup in specific Security Context.
