Every component has its own Object Model that is used to store and operate data contained within the component, use this data to show pages and forms related to the component, and use this data in exchange with other components, as well as with external data sources/integration points.

Component System Fields (a.k.a ”properties”)

Every component has a set of system fields, automatically generated by the Scalaxi Studio, and non-changeable by the Studio user. These fields are automatically updated by the Scalaxi Platform, and contain important component information such as a unique component Id. The following fields are automatically included as system.

System Data Field Name System Data Field Purpose
Id A unique Id for this component
creatorSubject Name of the user who created the component
updateSubject Name of the user who last updated the component
createdDate Date of component’s creation
updateDate Date of the last component update

User-defined component data fields (a.k.a ”properties”)

In addition to system properties, an authorized Scalaxi Studio user can add an unlimited number of custom properties, using ‘+’ button next to the component’s name.


Each of the customer properties can be one of the following types:

Type name Purpose Value example
String Text string Hello world
DateTime Date & Time 01/01/2022 01:00
Catalog Reference to another Component
Number Number with fractions 1211.324
Integer Whole (no fractions) number 1211
Array Reference to another Component, with multiple values stored at once
File Single binary object such as file PNG, DOCX, PPTS, etc.
Boolean True or False value 0/1
Time Time
Date Date
URI HTTP Reference

Each of the customer property types will have a configuration form that will consists of a part standard for all property types, and the part specific for a property type.

Common Settings for All Property Types

Setting Field Setting Example Setting Purpose
Name InternalPropertyName Internal property name that can be used for example in Python scripts. Can’t include spaces, non-English character or special symbols
Title My Favorite Property Free-form property name, will be displayed by default as a field name on a UI form, but can be changed.
Required Yes/No Set if this property can’t be empty (null)
Primary key Yes/No Set if this property is a unique ID for this component
Query Yes/No Set if you intend to search for this property from Dataflow, etc.
Skip from synchronization Yes/No Set if you don’t need to synchronize this property with other data sources
Property type One of the property types from the table above Set the desired type for this property

String settings

Property Setup Field Possible values Property Field Purpose
Display field
Enum empty
values Min length
Max length

DateTime settings

Property Setup Field Possible values Property Field Purpose
Display format
Min date
Max date